Coats 4 Kids 2018 was our seventh year to collect coats for homeless and disadvantaged students in our St. Johns County School District. During the month of November coats were collected at 16 churches throughout St. Johns county. On December 3rdand 4thover 500 coats, along with socks and packages of underwear were delivered to our storage locker.
We want to give a special thanks to Christ the King Anglican Church who not only collected coats but sent volunteers both days to receive, hang and label each coat. On December 14th, coats were given out by Michael Israel and Mitch Moody of the St. Johns County School Districts ASSIST program. Over 60 families were served that day.
Coats 4 Kids 2018 was truly an example of what happens when Divine resources meet human needs through loving channels. We want to thank all the churches that participated and everyone who brought a coat.